Something on your mind? This page contains frequently asked questions regarding VALO Tilauspalvelu. If you cannot find an answer here, don't hesitate to contact us!
There are two calendars that you can choose the shipment date from. One calendar is on the side panel of the front page, and the other can be opened from the top left. Once you have chosen your shipment date, you can browse products freely and place them in the basket on your chosen date. The products you have chose are shown in the side panel.
There are two ways to place an order. A) You can open the order lines directly from the top right, choose the shipment date and add the products directly to the order lines. B) You can select the shipment date in the calendar first, then browse products freely and add them to the basket. In both methods, you go to checkout first and then approve the order. The order is valid only once it has been approved.
Once you have added products to your basket and approved them, they can be removed by opening the order lines and selecting the trash can at the end of the line. After this, the line must be confirmed by going to checkout and clicking on “approve”.
You can add, remove, and edit lines on an order. Selecting the approve button approves the changes you have made to the order. Approving an order for a second time does not duplicate it, doing so only approves the changed/added/removed order lines.
Orange dot=open orders, green dot=approved orders, black dot=closed orders (card payments only), purple square=day chosen, pink square=shipment date, striped square=extra shipment date.
When you select a shipment date in the calendar, the panel below shifts to start from the selected date. This panel will also show the dates with approved/open/closed orders as well as extra shipment dates and holidays.
Past orders can be viewed in the Order History or Shipping Records section.
It is possible to order this product on the date stated on the product card.
These features are not available on mobile. Default orders and templates are available in the browser version.