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Service information

Cookie policy

VALO Tilauspalvelu™ cookie policy

  1. What are cookies and how do they work?

    Cookies are pieces of data that are stored on your computer by the websites that you visit. Cookies are small text files that your computer (or some other connected device, such as a smart phone) sends and receives when you visit a website. A cookie generally contains an anonymous identifier, and they are not harmful to your device.

    When you first visit our website, you can approve our use of cookies. On subsequent visits, your web browser can read the cookie that’s stored on your computer and relays the stored information back to the website. We can only identify the browser you use automatically; cookies cannot be used to identify you personally.

  2. Why do we use cookies?

    VALO Tilauspalvelu™ uses cookies and similar technologies to make sure the services are usable and user-friendly. Cookies provide a comprehensive improvement to the user experience for VALO Tilauspalvelu™. In addition, we use cookies for analysis, tracking, and development purposes.

    Cookies can also be used to produce targeted advertising, communication and content, as well as for marketing optimisation. Cookie data is also used to personalise the website’s content for you.

  3. What types of cookies do we use?

    VALO Tilauspalvelu™ uses analytics services, such as Google Analytics and Hotjar, who primarily employ first-party cookies. These types of cookies are created on the site that the user is currently on. Session cookies are only stored on your computer while the web browser is open, and are deleted when the browser closes. Permanent cookies are stored on your computer for a set period of time. How long cookies are stored depends on the user's web browser and its settings.

    Please remember that cookies are not used to identify individual persons; this data is anonymised. Despite this fact, the data collected through cookies may be considered, in some cases, to be personal data. Appropriate personal data protection measures are in place for the service.

    Additional information on personal data processing and the third-party cookies used for VALO Tilauspalvelu™ is available in the VALO Tilauspalvelu™ privacy policy.

  4. How do I manage and delete cookies on my computer?

    Users may opt to block cookie use in your browser’s settings. Policies for cookie blocking may vary from browser to browser. Cookies are necessary for certain services to function, which is why we cannot guarantee its services function if cookies have been blocked in browser.

    Information on managing cookies in each browser is available from the respective browsers’ sites below. These links lead to external sites, and we are not liable for their content.




